Private lessons are the best way to learn.
If you're a BEGINNER ...
Starting group lessons can be scary, so it's always worth taking a private to give you confidence in giving it a go in class.
If you're more EXPERIENCED ...​
Classes are great, but getting direct feedback from the teacher is the fastest way to learn and, a lot of the time, the only way to learn. If you want to really focus on improving you're own dancing, private lessons will give you feedback that normal classes won't. Learn how each move should feel, and learn what you're doing well and what you can improve on. You'll learn about your body, how it works, how to get it to do what you want, and how to avoid injury while dancing, and let's face it, in all the other areas of your life too!

You can contact us to find out more information and book your private dance lessons @
Phone: O451II911II874